Hoje a semana começou ainda mais amarga com uma Segunda-feira que trouxe a péssima notícia da morte de David Bowie, um dos artistas mais importantes de todos os tempos que havia acabado de lançar novo disco na forma de Blackstar no último dia 08 de Janeiro e celebrado 69 anos de idade no mesmo dia.
Como era de se esperar, já que influenciou boa parte dos músicos desse planeta, David Bowie tem sido homenageado desde que a notícia se espalhou, e você pode ver uma série de mensagens de artistas, bandas e pessoas ligadas à música logo abaixo.
Você pode ler a nossa resenha de Blackstar, último disco de estúdio da carreira de David Bowie, clicando aqui.
Paul on @DavidBowieReal https://t.co/KVxmjBdYT1 pic.twitter.com/aNJi3BjAuv
— Paul McCartney (@PaulMcCartney) January 11, 2016
Rest in peace, David. pic.twitter.com/9Kv9yM9igh
— Foo Fighters (@foofighters) January 11, 2016
can't believe it. we will forever be inspired by/love u, bowie 💙 pic.twitter.com/oXMq6HuhWY
— HAIM (@HAIMtheband) January 11, 2016
David Bowie was a true innovator, a true creative. May he rest in peace 🖖🏾 #RIPDavidBowie
— Pharrell Williams (@Pharrell) January 11, 2016
RIP David Bowie. A true InspIration pic.twitter.com/My0BrfSqgS
— PIXIES (@PIXIES) January 11, 2016
Rest in peace David Bowie… Universe traveler dream bringer song singer… I'm glad you were here and will keep listening, as always…❤️
— Regina Spektor (@respektor) January 11, 2016
So today I lose another hero. Not quite like @iamlemmy, but an important influence on my life, style and career. Goodbye @DavidBowieReal RIP
— Dee Snider🇺🇸🎤 (@deesnider) January 11, 2016
— Alex Kapranos (@alkapranos) January 11, 2016
Thank you for the gift of sound and vision, David Bowie. RIP. pic.twitter.com/Z5UkB6xeQV
— Nikolai Fraiture (@N_Fraiture) January 11, 2016
See you in Valhalla Black Star. pic.twitter.com/JLylyWKZrB
— QOTSA (@qotsa) January 11, 2016
You made being yourself look so cool. The universe is only as bright as what you showed us.
Truly grateful
RIP Bowie pic.twitter.com/0eab3NnvmO— Ryan Adams (@TheRyanAdams) January 11, 2016
I love how Bowie challenged people's perception of gender stereotypes and what an Outsider truly was. He was SO ahead of his time
— ADAM LAMBERT (@adamlambert) January 11, 2016
Nothing compares to Bowie. People love to use the word genius or legend lightly. Those actually apply to him. That's rare. This is so sad…
— CSS • Cansei de Ser Sexy (@csssuxxx) January 11, 2016
Absolutely devastating news. I feel so lucky to have considered you a friend. R.I.P. Thank you… https://t.co/aQLnuW6Q9r
— Seán Ono Lennon (@seanonolennon) January 11, 2016
One of THE coolest ever… https://t.co/7J5UTLu268
— Robert DeLeo (@STPRobertDeLeo) January 11, 2016
Rest in Peace David…. https://t.co/YrVBVRdv6R
— Robert DeLeo (@STPRobertDeLeo) January 11, 2016
Oh so sad and shocked to read about David Bowie passing away. 💧
— Lenka Kripac (@LenkaMusic) January 11, 2016
Words cannot express: RIP David Bowie https://t.co/g40zLWl3qq pic.twitter.com/R94E6LMw9C
— Brian Eno News (@dark_shark) January 11, 2016
Rest in peace, star man. pic.twitter.com/wZUdqS7XU0
— Marshall Amps (@marshallamps) January 11, 2016
RIP David Bowie. Thanks for defining what it means to be a true artist and visionary.
— Myles Kennedy (@MylesKennedy) January 11, 2016
A friend of mine just messaged me this >> pic.twitter.com/LTBLRou46P
— Gaz Coombes (@GazCoombes) January 11, 2016
Saddened to hear David Bowie has lost his battle with cancer – his music was an inspiration to many. @DavidBowieReal
— Tim Peake (@astro_timpeake) January 11, 2016
just got call from @hollyherself about david bowie, hugged @neilhimself hard. one of his favorite musicians of all time. one of my heroes.
— Amanda Palmer 🎹 (@amandapalmer) January 11, 2016
I grew up listening to and watching the pop genius David Bowie. He was a master of re-invention, who kept getting it right. A huge loss.
— David Cameron (@David_Cameron) January 11, 2016
I just lost a hero. RIP David Bowie.
— Ricky Gervais (@rickygervais) January 11, 2016
Unthinkable. The world has lost one of the most important artists and icons of our time. I was moved immeasurably by David Bowie. RIP.
— Hozier (@Hozier) January 11, 2016
David Bowie: The cleverest and most interestingly brilliant man of our time. What a vacuum he leaves, and how he will be missed. Roger
— Queen (@QueenWillRock) January 11, 2016
RIP @DavidBowieReal thank you.
— Sick Of It All (@SOIANYC) January 11, 2016
Planet Earth is blue – Bono pic.twitter.com/p4GVmnuQql
— U2 (@U2) January 11, 2016
Descanse em paz, Ziggy. Que o Major Tom te receba de braços abertos aí em cima. #RIPDavidBowie pic.twitter.com/TcC9UN5bwu
— Foo Fighters Brasil (@FooFighters_BR) January 11, 2016
"I don't know where I'm going from here but I promise it won't be boring" – David Bowie
— Riot Fest (@RiotFest) January 11, 2016
Bowie – R.I.P.
— Geezer Butler (@geezerbutler) January 11, 2016