
Ouça agora uma nova música de <b>Noel Gallagher</b>

Ouça <b>"The Good Rebel"</b> agora, a canção inédita do cantor.

Noel Gallagher libera nova música

Como lado-b do single “The Death Of You And Me“, que será lançado no próximo dia 21, o compositor disponibiliza a faixa “The Good Rebel“.

Ouça a música logo abaixo acompanhando a letra!

Compre produtos do Oasis no Brasil aqui.


Rain, like rain!
Rain, like rain!
Rain, like rain!

I don’t care for the sunshine!
I don’t care for the sunshine!
I don’t care for the sunshine!

If heaven helps you help yourself
I hope you never change
Rebel let them help them selves and wash the truth away
And every man will follow them so what else can you say?

Won’t you let my baby
Won’t you let my baby
Let my baby’s love come down like rain

Like rain!
Rain, like rain!
Rain, like rain!

I don’t care for the sunshine!
I don’t care for the sunshine!
I don’t care for the sunshine!

Well every man that will pass scorn on every passer by
There will be a star that’s born to fill the empty sky
You dress me down when you call me up so don’t call me alive

If you won’t let my baby
If you won’t let my baby
Let my baby’s love come down like rain!

Rain, like rain!
Rain, like rain!
Rain, like rain!

I don’t care for the sunshine!
I don’t care for the sunshine!
I don’t care for the sunshine!
I don’t care for the sunshine!