
Rock Am Ring: veja os shows de QOTSA, Avenged Sevenfold e Trivium

Bandas foram atrações de festival na Alemanha.

Rock Am Ring: veja os shows de QOTSA, Avenged Sevenfold e Trivium


No último final de semana rolou na Alemanha o festival Rock Am Ring, e os vídeos de mais três atrações da festa foram disponibilizados na íntegra no YouTube.

Você pode ver na sequência.

Queens Of The Stone Age

  1. You Think I Ain’t Worth a Dollar, but I Feel Like a Millionaire
  2. No One Knows
  3. My God Is the Sun
  4. Smooth Sailing
  5. I Sat by the Ocean
  6. Feel Good Hit of the Summer
  7. The Lost Art of Keeping a Secret
  8. If I Had a Tail
  9. Little Sister
  10. Burn the Witch
  11. Sick, Sick, Sick
  12. Better Living Through Chemistry
  13. Go With the Flow
  14. A Song for the Dead



Avenged Sevenfold


  1. Shepherd of Fire
  2. Critical Acclaim
  3. Bat Country
  4. Hail to the King
  5. Doing Time
  6. Buried Alive
  7. So Far Away
  8. Nightmare
  9. Burn It Down
  10. Afterlife
  11. Almost Easy
  12. Unholy Confessions





  1. Brave This Storm
  2. Built to Fall
  3. Strife
  4. Black
  5. Anthem (We Are the Fire)
  6. Dying in Your Arms
  7. Down from the Sky
  8. Capsizing the Sea
  9. In Waves


Outros shows

Assista a outros shows do Rock Am Ring 2014 na íntegra clicando aqui.